WBA Member Code of Ethics
A. I agree to abide by and support the Working Beauceron Association Bylaws and Code of Ethics;
B. I agree to recognize the AKC, CKC and FCI Beauceron Breed Standards as equally correct standards of which to judge conformation, whereas it does not supersede working ability. In regards to discrepancies between the standards, members and breeders are urged to use their best judgment;
C. I agree to abide by and support all competition venue rules and regulations in which I am participating, where they pertain;
D. I agree to conduct myself at all times, in person and on the internet, in a manner that will not reflect badly upon the Working Beauceron Association;
E. I will not sponsor a new member to the Working Beauceron Association that I know to be of poor character, lacking moral ethics or who does not adhere to the Working Beauceron Association Code of Ethics.
A. I agree that I will not purchase or co-own a Beauceron nor participate in the breeding of said Beauceron with anyone who does not have the best interest of the Beauceron’s working integrity in mind. I realize that not everyone I deal with will be a member of the Working Beauceron Association or have signed the Working Beauceron Association Code of Ethics, but I will not lower my standards when dealing with a non-member nor will I jeopardize the quality of the breed;
B. I agree to make every effort to consider the health and welfare of all animals in my care, as well as the health and welfare of the Beauceron breed in general;
C. I agree to maintain contact with my Beauceron’s breeder, advising him/her of the dog’s progress, including but not limited to any training or health issues that may occur;
D. I agree to never abandon or dispose of my Beauceron in a shelter or a pound. If unable or unwilling to care for my dog, I agree to contact the breeder or the WBA to enlist his/her
support in finding a new home;
E. I agree to support the Working Beauceron Association Rescue program to the best of my ability, realizing it serves as a safety net for Beaucerons facing life-threatening situations;
F. I agree to resolve any contract disputes with my Beauceron’s breeder on my own and to not involve the Working Beauceron Association or it’s Board of Directors.
A. I agree to conduct myself at all dog sporting events and/or Association events in a manner that reflects credit on myself, the Working Beauceron Association, and the breed;
B. I agree to maintain good sportsmanship at all times;
C. I agree to refraining from false or malicious criticism (hurtful or mean-spirited comments) about a competitor’s dog, breeder or owner as well as the Working Beauceron Association as a whole;
D. I agree to refraining from false or malicious criticism about a judge’s decision. No member shall make false or malicious comments to any judge in writing, in public or in private regarding dogs belonging to others;
E. I agree to practicing and promoting responsible dog ownership to include the conduct and control of my dog in public places;
F. I agree to respecting the property of others, including facilities used for dog events, especially by use of proper sanitary measures;
G. I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the hosting organization (AKC or otherwise) of any show or trial I attend. Should I violate their rules and regulations, disciplinary action shall be carried out by said hosting organization.
**For the purposes of this Code of Ethics, AKC refers to the American Kennel Club, CKC refers to the
Canadian Kennel Club, and FCI refers to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.**
ADOPTED: 5 February 2022