Journée du Beauceron
French Style Celebration of the Beauceron
What is a Journée du Beauceron?
The Journée is a French Style conformation and temperament evaluation of the Beauceron breed to ensure breeders and owners in North America are furthering the breed in the direction that most aligns with the parent Beauceron club in France.
The Working Beauceron Association brings certified French judges over every year to evaluate our Beaucerons in hopes that we gain a better understanding of the type of Beaucerons being produced in North America. The Journée also gives Beauceron fanciers an opportunity to come together to celebrate the breed every year by participating in the French evaluation, participating in the working trials, or just conversing with other Beauceron owners.
Aspects of the Journée
Morphology, Temperament, Type, and Trials
During this section of the French exam, each dog is measured and evaluated individually for its overall structural conformation. The measurements are taken to ensure correct proportions as outlined in the Beauceron breed standard. The dog should be presented in its natural stance and should not be hand stacked in any way. Morphology is based on eight sections:
The Head
The Topline
The Underline
Fore Limbs
Hind Limbs
Rankings for Puppies (Age 4-12 Months):
Tres Prometteur
Rankings for Adults (Age 12+ Months):
Tres Bon
Excellent +
The temperament test is designed to see how well each dog reacts to certain stimuli as is appropriate for the breed.
Enter the Testing Area:
The secretary greets the exhibitor, verifies the identity of the dog and checks his microchip or tattoo. The dog’s collar is removed and replaced by a new one (neutral buckle collar and used by all testing dogs), attached to a long line. Instructions are given to the handler while the judge observes the dog’s reaction and behavior and evaluates its sociability.
The dog and handler are asked to walk away toward one end of the testing area. A single shot is fired in the air at a minimum distance of 65 feet while the pair has its back to the judge. When the handler and his/her dog reach the far end of the testing area, they turn to face the judge and another gunshot is fired in the air. Should the dog’s reaction be somewhat unclear, it is possible the judge may fire one or more shots. The purpose of this exercise is to evaluate the dog’s sound sensitivity and behavioral reactivity. This exercise is only available to dogs 12 months of age and older.
Threat with a Stick:
The judge then walks toward the dog and handler. When he is at about 6 feet away from the pair, the judge threatens the dog with the stick, swinging a three-foot stick in a downward fashion. The threat takes place only once the dog is aware of the presence of the judge and not less than 6 feet away. Should the dog react with fear, the judge will not put any more pressure on the dog. However, in case, the dog’s reaction is not clear to the judge, it is possible that he may pretend to attack the handler thus getting a positive reaction from the dog. The purpose of this exercise is to evaluate the courage of the dog.
The dog and handler return to the starting point where the judge interacts with the team. The dog is expected to have recovered from the test and will allow the judge to approach him and the handler. The collar and leash used for the test are removed and after the dog is fitted back to his own collar and leash, the handler and their dog leave the judge’s station. The sociability of the dog is evaluated during the entry and exit of the testing area.
At no time during the testing is the handler allowed to correct or talk to the dog. The purpose of the test is to evaluate the innate qualities of the dog’s temperament: his sociability, his sensitivity, and his courage. These three simple exercises are set up in a way that is not traumatizing to the animal, yet still, give a good indication of the steadiness of temperament that is required in a good Beauceron.
Rankings for Temperament include:
Tres Bon
Should a dog receive an Excellent+ in Morphology and an Excellent in Temperament, they will move on to compete against each other in the classes. This is similar to standard conformation competitions except only the most excellent dogs are allowed to compete. At no point may dogs be hand stacked, all dogs must stand freely and naturally. Dogs are divided into classes and genders and are as follows:
Puppy (does not require temperament testing):
Bébé (4-6 months)
Puppy (6-9 months)
Juene (9-18 months)
Intermédiaire (15-24 months)
Ouverte (15+ months)
Travail (15+ months plus original working certification)
Vétéran (8+ years)
Champion (must be a recognized champion in work or conformation)
Altered (+15 months, sexually altered, and ineligible for Best in Journee)
Specialty Classes:
Breeders - At least 3 but no more than 5 dogs, male or female, produced from the same breeder already entered in individual classes. Ranking will be given to the breeder based on the homogeneity and overall breed type of the group as a whole.
Producer - A male or female dog accompanied by a minimum of 3 but no more than 5 of their 1st generation decedents already entered in individual classes. Ranking will be given to the Producer based on the homogeneity and overall breed type of the group as a whole.
Breeder and Producer groups need to have at least 3 subjects present at the show so that the owner can register a Breeder or Producer group.
Accepted Working Certifications for Travail Class:
French Ring 1 -3
Mondioring 1-3
PSA 1-3
2 Passing IGP Scores at the same level under 2 different judges
Herding (started or level 1) on any course/stock
2 Passing Tracking Scores at the same level under 2 different judges
Current Search and Rescue Certification
Current Detection Certification
Proof of title or certification must be included with your entry form.
These groups will be judged on the results obtained by the dogs composing them and will be presented to the judge, taking into account the titles actually acquired on the following bases:
Excellent in Morphology…………..……………… ……………… 10 Pts
Tres Bon in Morphology………..……….………………………….. 5 Pts
Excellent Character Test...…………………………………………. 10 Pts
Tres Bon Character Test……………………..………………………. 5 Pts
Bonuses:AKC/CKC/FCI CH………………...…………………….. 5 Pts
Elite A or B …………………………………………… .…………. 20 Pts
COT 4 ……………….……………………..………….…………. 10 Pts
For these same disciplines, for levels higher than the BREVET….... 10 pts
Current SAR Certification ……………………….….….………..... 10 pts
Current Detection Certification……….…….…..………………….. 10 pts
Tests ………………..………………………………………………… 5 Pts
Level 1-3 ……………………………………….…………………... 10 Pts
Herding Champion Title…………………………………………….. 20 Pts
In each discipline, only the highest level is taken into account.
Specialty Class point sheets can be requested from the Journée Committee.
Awards are given to the winning dog in each category for each gender. In addition, there will be a Best Puppy, Best of Opposite in Journée, and Best in Journée.
Every French Style evaluation will be accompanied by some kind of working trial. Whether that be French Ring, IGP, Herding, Detection, etc. The Working Beauceron Association is committed to showcasing the working ability of the Beauceron at every Journée.
In addition, when able, the WBA will bring over judges or experienced Beauceron handlers to evaluate our dogs in these various working avenues.
American Cotations
Translated & Based from Le Club des Amis du Beauceron
Adopted by the Working Beauceron Association (11.16.2022)
A rating system similar to the parent club in France where it will be easy for fanciers to understand how a Beauceron has rated in exhibition with French judges by viewing its displayed cotation.